Too many women aren't enjoying sex. How sad is that? Something so natural, so freeing, and feels so darn good is seen by a huge percentage of ladies as alien or out of reach. The older we get, the more foreign the words "great sex" seem us. So what's the problem and how can you fix it? In From Dinosaur to Dynamite, the Secret of Joyful Sex, author Patricia Murray-Chute tackles the varied reasons why women aren't having fun in the bedroom. She holds nothing back as she bares her own soul and experiences, while offering the reader solid and helpful methods to get out of her own way and finally enjoy sex.
Some of the subjects she covers are eating (with delicious recipes from Golden Door Health) and exercising to help you feel sexier and healthier, the importance of communication in a relationship (no, he can't read your mind!), personal growth together, overcoming obstacles, and so much more. Patricia is a life coach, so she knows her stuff! Some strategies covered in the book come from NLP, the Law of Attraction, honesty and common sense. She helps the reader get to the core of the problem to discover why she isn't having wonderful sexual experiences and how to overcome it.
In the author's own words: "I want mature people to realise they can still enjoy a wonderful sex life. The younger generation always think they invented sex and that after 40 years or so you just forget it ever existed. I can say with authority and joy that they are wrong and experience is key to enjoyment and sexual fulfillment. After many years of nursing and midwifery, I have listened to women in the three countries where I have lived, tell me their woes and worries about a decline in desire and enjoyment of the physical side of their relationship and I have written this with them in mind."
I highly recommend this book to any woman who wants to have dynamite sex, no matter her age. Even men can learn a thing or two from reading it! You can find her book here.