Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Traveling For The Holidays

Guest post written by Clarice Henderson

When the holidays come around, my husband Mark and I find the holiday season to be extra special. Not only do we have a lot of family time and Christmas festivities to look forward to, we also have our anniversary to enjoy. Our anniversary falls on the 16th of December, and we usually take a little pre-Christmas vacation. We've been retired for the past 3 years already, and without fail, we have gone on a little vacation before the Christmas season. We think it's very important to commemorate the year we got married, and we always do so in a big way.

This year, we are taking a trip to Tennessee. We are big music appreciators, and we've always wanted to see Memphis and Nashville. We even plan to get new hearing aids from Miracle-Ear.com so we don't miss a thing. We also plan to bring back little souvenirs for our Christmas party. We think that we will definitely have a lot to talk about with our family members this year. Mark and I are always glad to have these special times for ourselves, and it makes the holiday season that much more enjoyable for us every year.

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